Advertising Compliance: Getting Ready for the Banking Examination - Part Two
(June 2016)
Advertising Compliance: Getting Ready for the Banking Examination - Part One
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: Big Changes on the Way
(December 2015)
Closing Disclosure: Deep Dive - Page Three (Part V)
(August 2015)
Loan Estimate: Deep Dive (Part III)
(June 2015)
The Lead Generation Company: Managing the Risks
(February 2015)
RESPA/TILA Integration: Closing Disclosure and Action Plan (Part II)
(Includes Closing Disclosure Table)
(December 2014)
Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rules: Policy Statement
(October 2014)
RESPA/TILA Integration: Overview and Loan Estimate (Part I)
(Includes Loan Estimate Table)
(October 2014)
Consumer Complaint Database and Public Narratives
(August 2014)
First They Came for the Payday Lenders
(July 2014)
The Bureau's Pursuit of Fair Lending
(June 2014)
Mitigating the Risk of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
(April 2014)
Eight Steps to the Risk Assessment of Loan Production
(March 2014)
Creating a Culture of Compliance
(February 2014)
Diversity and Inclusion
(January 2014)
Elder Financial Abuse: Prevention and Remedies
Policy, Procedures, and Examinations - Part II: Mortgage Bankers
(July 2013)
The Enforcement Powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(April 2013)
Policy, Procedures, and Examinations - Part I: Mortgage Brokers
(March 2013)
Social Media and Networking Compliance
(February 2013)
CFPB's Company Portal for Consumer Complaints
(December 2012)
Loan Originator Compensation: Part is Prologue - Part II
(November 2012)
Loan Originator Compensation: Past is Prologue - Part I
(October 2012)
Elder Financial Abuse
(August 2012)
Anti-Money Laundering Program - Preparation is Protection
(August 2012)
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance - Interview
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance - MP3 Download
(August 2012)
The Rules of Operational Risk
(July 2012)
The Regulatory Burdens of Dodd-Frank
(May 2012)
Consumer Privacy and Confidentiality
(May 2012)
The CFPB's Treatment of Confidentiality and Privilege
(April 2012)
Anti-Money Laundering Debuts for Nonbanks
(March 2012)
Controlling Credit Risk
(January 2012)
Loan Originator Compensation - The Regulatory Examination(November 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: The Basics and a Chart - Part III
(September 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: Regulating or Underwriting? - Part II
(July 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: Regulating or Underwriting? - Part I
(June 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: The Basics and a Chart
(September 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: The Chart
(September 2011)
Opening a Dialogue: Elizabeth Warren and the Mortgage Industry
(July 2011)
Ability-to-Repay: Regulating or Underwriting? - Part II
(July 2011)
(June 2011)
Mortgage Call Reports
(March 2011)
NEW Risk-Base Pricing Rules - January 1, 2011
(January 2011)
Part III: Consumer Financial Protection - Bureau and Bureaucracy
(October 2010)
Part II: Legislation - Reactive or Proactive
(September 2010)
Part I: Reformation and Regulations
(August 2010)
FHA Issues Guidance for Lender Approvals
(July 2010)
Fannie Mae Revises Quality Control Requirements
(June 2010)
Mortgage Loan Officers Lose Administrative Exemption
(May 2010)
Higher Priced Mortgage Loans - Escrow Requirements
(April 2010)
"Intent to Proceed" and the New Good Faith Estimate
(March 2010)
(February 2010)
New RESPA Reform Rule - Overview
(January 2010)
The CFPA Controversy: Asking the Tough Questions
(October 2009)
The Birth of an Agency (Consumer Financial Protection Agency)
(September 2009)
Service Release Premium vs Yield Spread Premium: Match or Mismatch?
(August 2009 Edition)
Saving the Yield Spread Premium
(July 2009)
Yield Spread Premiums: Compensation or Kickback?
(June 2009)
Yield Spread Premiums - Compensation or Kickback? (May 2009)
Should Loan Originators be Risk Rated? (April 2009)
The Demise of Prepayment Penalties (April 2009)
Loan Modification Companies - A New Boom Industry (April 2009)